April 01, 12am-4pm , Hall 19/20, Room New York, Hannover Fair 2019

The VDMA, in cooperation with the OPC Foundation, the FieldCommGroup and Deutsche Messe AG, is hosting the first “World Interoperability Conference – Networking with OPC UA Standardization Groups”.


Wolfgang Welscher, CEO at X-Visual represents the DEXPI initiative iat the World Interoperability Conference and shows the work results and projects of DEXPI. In short presentations the participants get an insight into the working group and the status of the standardization project. During the break ther is time to exchange ideas and for networking. In addition to DEXPI, 34 other groups will present their OPC UA Companion Specifications activities.

The conference parallel to the Hannover Messe enables the exchange and networking with national and international organizations and working groups within the framework of the OPC UA Companion Specification Standardization. This event provides an insight into the future of interoperable, manufacturer-independent information exchange.

The conference is planned in such a way that it can also be attended by non-fair visitors without an overnight stay in Hannover.

At the beginning, representatives of the OPC Foundation, the VDMA and the FieldCommGroup Keynotes will give an introduction to the topics Industry 4.0 and OPC UA. Afterwards the participants have the opportunity to discuss and network with different working groups within the OPC UA CS standardization. Each working group presents its vision and mission at so-called theme tables.


12:00 noon      Keynotes

13:30 h            Thematic Round 1 (short talk Vision, Mission, Discussion)

14:00 h            Break – change between theme tables

14:15 h            Thematic Round 2 (short talk Vision, Mission, Discussion)

14:45 h            Break – change between theme tables

15:00 h            Thematic Round 3 (short talk Vision, Mission, Discussion)

15:30 h            End of the event

For more details see the agenda

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